VTX Crystallography Lab @ Virginia Tech

Crystallography Lab
Structure services
Rough Guide To Crystallography

Lab safety
Directions to Lab

Party !

At the end of the installation Oxford Diffraction sponsored a party on September 18th 2002 for faculty and staff of Virginia Tech to celebrate three things: the establishment of the Virginia Tech Crystallography Laboratory as a colocated facility of the Departments of Geological Sciences and Chemistry, the successful installation of the Xcalibur-2, and the signing of the agreement between Oxford Diffraction and Virginia Tech that establishes VTX as a Gold Status reference site.

The staff of the Crystallography Laboratory also wish to record their thanks to the many University staff who contributed to the establishment of the laboratory.

Richard-Foster Turner (Sales director of Oxford Diffraction) and Prof. Brian Hansen (VT Chemistry).
Party demo
Andrzej Kowalski (Oxford Diffraction) demonstrates the Xcalibur-2 system to Profs. Maddy Schreiber and Tom Burbey (VT Geological Sciences).
Geno and Bob
Geno Iannaccone (VT Chemistry) with Hal Pendrik and Prof. Bob Tracy (VT Geological Sciences).
Brian Tissue
Prof Brian Tissue (VT Chemistry) inspects the Xcalibur 2.
Ross Angel and Jing Zhao with one of the earlier generation of VT crystallographers, Prof. Paul Ribbe.
Dave Richardson
Carla Slebodnick describes the Xcalibur system to Dave Richardson, head of VT sponsored programs.
Party Group
Inter-departmental discussion: From left: Prof. Michael Hochella (VT Geological Sciences), Greg Reaves (Sponsored Programs), Prof. Larry Taylor (Head, VT Chemistry), Prof. Don Rimstidt (acting chair VT Geological Sciences) and Prof. Paul Deck (VT Chemistry).
Install crew
The installation crew from Oxford Diffraction pose with the customers.
Prof. Brenda Winkel (VT Biology) with Richard Foster-Turner and David Warner.
Carla Slebodnick and Nancy Ross.
Prof. Felicia Etzkorn (VT Chemistry) talks to Carla Slebodnick.

All pictures on this page were taken by Mark Fortney (VT Geological Sciences).